PRAISE & WORSHIP TEAM Opportunities are made available for people who express an interest in joining and participating in this major part of the Church’s expression of adoration to the Lord through music and singing. Anyone expressing an interest may be invited to attend practices and may be invited to join at the discretion of the Praise & Worship leaders. There is a probation period and consistent faithful attendance is a major requirement. In addition we prepare short plays and drama presentations form time to time. Again participation is at the discretion of the appropriate leader. CAFÉ A major feature of Freedom Church Life is our “after church” Café. Run by qualified baristas (from our church family) and volunteers in a variety of functions. This is such a popular hang out after church, that sometimes people just stay & stay enjoying the welcoming environment for first time visitors as well as the bonding of a closely knit family without prejudice and judgmentalism. If you feel a desire in being a part of this delightful ministry of helps, you can make an expression of interest to the café manager.  PRAYER TEAM Meets most Sunday evenings @ 6-7pm, and seeking the leading of the Spirit as we pray for our Nation & Governments, our Church & its departments, our missionary activities both domestic & overseas, and of course for our people. We believe to be a people enjoying divine health strength and vitality by the power of the Word of God and the Name of Jesus for all ages. |